Application for Water Source
The owners or the developers, through the consultants appointed by them, can submit the application to Air Selangor by forwarding the following documents:
- Letters of Appointment from the owners or developers and confirmation letters as registered consultant engineers with Air Selangor;
- Water demand calculations in accordance with Air Selangor’ requirements stipulated in Table 1;
- A copy of the approval letter and Development Order from the relevant local authority;
- Key and Location Plans;
- Site Plans (1 : 10,000) preferably using the Street Directory Maps and certified by a Professional Land Surveyor;
- Site Plans with contour lines at 5 metre interval and proposed platform levels of the proposed development (in metre or feet ODL)
For daily demand less than 225,000 litres, these documents shall be submitted directly to the respective Air Selangor Regional Offices.
Submission for Conceptual Designs
For water source applications for daily demand exceeding 4.5 million litres per day (lpd) and to be developed phase by phase, you are required to submit the two (2) sets of Conceptual Design Report for the whole areas, containing the following information:
- General descriptions of the project;
- Water demand schedules in accordance with the types of development for the whole areas;
- Water demand schedules in accordance with each phase and type of development, together with the year in which each phase is to be developed;
- Supply zone from the reservoir for each phase must be indicated;
- Hydraulic calculations for peak flow from the source to reservoirs, incoming mains, the levels and sizes of suction tanks, pumping mains, the levels and sizes of reservoirs, and the residual heads in the pipes for a particular supplied zone;
- Brief descriptions and schematic diagrams, which show the whole water supply systems including nodes, the outflow from each node, lengths and sizes of pipes.
Note: For factories where the water demands cannot be ascertained, use 75,000 lpd (16, 500 gallons per day) for each hectare of land. If building categories/demands are not available in Table 1, please contact our Planning and Capital Works Department for further information.
Submission for the Detailed Design of Water Supply Systems
The detailed design of water supply systems shall be in accordance with each phase of development. You are required to submit three (3) sets of reports for the detailed design of water supply systems containing the following information:
- General descriptions of each phase;
- Water demand schedules in accordance with the types of development, peak, average and fire flows design calculations, pumping systems, levels and sizes of the reservoirs calculations;
- Detailed layout plans showing main reticulations and coloured according to the types and sizes of pipes, locations, types, sizes, BWL/TWL of reservoirs and suction tanks together with pump houses
- Detailed layout plans showing the locations, side and top elevations, cross-section of inflow; outflow; overflow and discharge pipes, valve locations, level measuring instruments, air-circulation systems and ladders for reservoirs together with security fencing
- For hydraulic calculations of reticulation systems, the following information shall be provided:
- Pipe Details
- Node Details
A copy of Air Selangor’ Standard Specification shall be attached;
The Consultant must submit to the Planning and Development Department of Air Selangor, in the form of CD-R, all drawings related to water supply systems for a particular development pending approval. The said drawings shall include the following:
- Layout Plans for Reticulation Systems
- Layout Plans for Reservoirs, Suction Tanks and Pump Houses
- Detailed of Reservoirs, Suction Tanks and Pump Houses
- Layout Plans for incoming pipe works including sectional views
- Standard Drawings
- Data used in hydraulic calculations of reticulation systems
The Professional Engineers appointed by the owners or the developers shall certify all drawings, calculations and work specification and shall be registered with Air Selangor.
Submission for the Design of Pumping Systems and Break Pressure Tanks
Two (2) sets of the design of pumping systems shall be submitted to the Mechanical and Electrical Section of Air Selangor within four (4) months after the detailed design of reticulation systems had been approved. One (1) copy shall be submitted to the Planning and Capital Works of Air Selangor.
Each proposed design and installation must consist of:
- Pumping systems design calculations
- Pumping mains design calculations
- Break pressure tanks design calculations
- Detailed drawing of pumping systems, i.e. layout for pump houses, suction tanks and reservoirs
- Data and technical information on all mechanical equipment
- List of spare parts
The design and calculation reports shall be prepared by the Mechanical Consultant and certified by a registered Professional Mechanical Engineer.
Prior approval from the Mechanical and Electrical Section of Air Selangor shall be obtained before commencing any work on site.
One (1) set of electrical wiring systems for pump houses shall be submitted to the Mechanical and Electrical Section of Air Selangor.
Submission of Telemetry System
Telemetry system is needed for a pumping system that exceeds 2.5 million litres per day (MLD) or for a reservoir that exceeds 4.5 MLD.
The telemetry system must be similar to the current system at Air Selangor. For updated information on this system, please liaise with the Telemetry Unit of Air Selangor.
One (1) complete set of the telemetry system must be submitted to the Telemetry Unit of Air Selangor and the installation shall be done by Air Selangor.
Development Manual Form
Please Download The Taking Over Forms
Please Download Survey & GIS Data Submission Forms
Form for Submission of Telemetry System
Air Selangor Logo for Water Reservoirs
Air Selangor Brand Guideline outlines our brands, logos and colour palette, as well as best practice examples for using the resources.
View the full brand guidelines here.
Technical Guideline for Pipe Diversion
- Materials to be used
- Responsibility of submitting person
- Technical design requirements
- Application for pipe diversion
- Implementation of work at the site
- Pressure & leakage test
- Relevant charges
- Back charge
- Connection to existing pipes
- Handing over to Air Selangor: Guideline (Pipe Distribution), Attachment & Drawing
To download all Developer Forms and the Application Form for Work Permit from Local Authorities, click below: